Friday, March 27, 2009

It's time for pro-Obama Catholics to step up to the plate

George Wesolek, Director of Public Policy and Social Concerns for the Archdiocese of San Francisco, exhorts pro-Obama Catholics to step up and respond with the pro-life message to President Obama's radical pro-"choice" policies.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Today is the Annunciation and the Day of the Unborn Child

Today, March 25, as we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation, let us also renew our commitment to all life, born and unborn, and celebrate
"Day of the Unborn Child".

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Pro-life Red Envelope Project spreads

A pro-life effort has resulted in hundreds of thousands of red letters being sent to President Obama to protest his extreme pro-abortion stance. The project has crossed denomination lines and is a true grassroots effort.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Notre Dame Shocks Catholics by Welcoming Obama!

Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president ever, will give the commencement address at Notre Dame in May.

The announcement in Notre Dame's newspaper makes no mention of Obama's support of abortion.

See also the Eagle Forum blog.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Pope encourages abstinence for AIDS in Africa

Pope Benedict XVI said on March 17 during his trip to Cameroon, “You can't resolve it (AIDS) with the distribution of condoms.” The Pope suggests that not condoms but abstinence is the true answer to the tragic AIDS epidemic in Africa. This is the first explicit statement on the issue by Pope Benedict.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Connecticut bill attempts to redefine episcopal system

A bill introduced in the Connecticut General Assembly attempts to take power over parishes away from bishops and put it into the hands of an elected group of trustees. The backlash has been huge and there is a protest meeting organized for March 11.
Another blog-

A news story-

An official government page-

Update: The bill has pulled, and will be reviewed for Constitutionality! See for more details.

The coming collapse or the coming awakening?

Will Christianity face a partial collapse in the face of growing secularism, or will Christianity overcome growing secularism and experience a new Great Awakening?
The collapse:
The revival:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Healthcare conscientious objection in danger

The Obama Administration may remove the possibility of physicians and health care providers to exempt themselves from performing certain procedures (such as abortion) that violate their moral values. The Bishops and other good Catholics are worried.